Power Supply Interuptions
They had some power supply interuptions late last night (29th Sept)
So if you notice any stats problems please inform support, but leave it a day or two to see if it sorts itself out.
Find-a-Drug, a not for profit Distributed Computing project using Virtual Screening to help find cures for diseases including Cancer, HIV, Malaria, Respiratory and CJD and any other areas they can think of. This is a blog to help pass on FaD (Find-a-Drug) related news and information.
They had some power supply interuptions late last night (29th Sept)
Cancer Query 1EV2-Q2 Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor-2 has been extended into a larger molecule set.
Respiratory Diseases
THINK has given a short update of how things are going, status of the new client and their current priorities. Also mentioned is hopefully some good news.
We have some further confirmation of cancer hits and we anticipate some more certificates to be available in a month or so.
We are also endeavouring to work closely with our collaborators to help progress their research. Supporting our existing collaborations and seeking further collaborations is our current priority. While we are making some progress on further collaborations we need to find more resources to keep up with the rate of processing queries.
In other words, we have deliberated lowered the priority of software development and this will mean that some cosmetic issues slip down the priority list. We appreciate that this will be more apparent to members than computational issues but we believe the decision is the correct one. We will make a decision later this month whether to take 1.30d to beta test or jump to 1.31.
Perhaps I should re-iterate that in general we do not have collaborations in place for Proteome and Methodology queries. However, interest has been shown in some of the Proteome queries and results have been made available to collaborators.
Validation studies have shown that 10-30% of the hits usually show the predicted biological activity in laboratory tests. We also see exceptions to these normals (for instance in anti-cancer tests) which are explained by a misunderstanding of where the molecule needs to bind or the role of the protein.
In recently, the investment in drug discovery has decreased to release more funds for drug development - especially in the smaller biotechs and pharmaceuticals. An associated trend in the industry is a shift to collaboration and licensing agreements for molecules which have progressed into development - ideally through phase 1 clinical trials. The interest in licencing hits discovered or molecules which show the desired activity in laboratory tests has decreased. IMHO this is why some DC projects (such as UD/Oxford/Inhibox) have not yet achieved the expectations they set.
Academic collaboration potential is unchanged but generally progresses slower than industrial drug research. Finding more collaborators and supporting/laising with existing ones is time-consuming.
On the 22nd October 2005 the following 18 queries will be closing to new results.
find-a-drug.biz is now configured to accept results.
The software will automatically update cgi.lis (on its next connection to Find-a-Drug) and continue to work without user intervention.
That now makes it three servers now able to accept results, the two others being find-a-drug.org.uk and find-a-drug.net
We are testing code to take the team and country identifiers from the most recently changed installation with the Nickname and E-mail address rather than the most recent installation. This should reduce inconvenience for members and alleviate the support load.
Members are advised to continue to make changes in all their installations as otherwise they may inadvertently revert to membership of an old team by pushing the Save button on an installation which is configured for the old team.
The Cancer Query 1GI8-Q1 Secondary Cancer, Urokinase plasminogen activator (uPA) has been extended into a wider range of molecules.
THINK has just posted the following information and since most the un-official stats sites take their infomation from the CSV files they too will show the errors.
We had a problem on the inhouse stats server which truncated history3436.csv. This means that some jobs which were uploaded between 18:00 and 24:00 GMT yesterday will be included in the totals but not listed by jobs1.php. We will investigate correcting this next week.